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[패치]피파온라인3 그래픽패치 SweetFXV.6 (2/2)

[패치]피파온라인3 그래픽패치 SweetFXV.6  (2/2)


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이렇게 비교하니까 피파온라인3의 기본설정은 진짜 흙수준같습니다.







덤으로 포함의 이펙트들 명단을 마지막으로 끝내겠습니다.

Effects included:

* SMAA Anti-aliasing : Anti-aliases the image using the SMAA technique - see http://www.iryoku.com/smaa/

* FXAA Anti-aliasing : Anti-aliases the image using the FXAA technique - currently only work under DirectX9. Use the d3d9.dll found in \SweetFX\dlls\FXAA DX9 dll\ for this.

* Explosion : Scatters the pixels similarly to the Explosion filter in Irfanview

* Cartoon : Creates an outline-effect that makes the image look more cartoonish.

* Advanced CRT : Mimics the look of an old arcade CRT display.

* LumaSharpen : Sharpens the image, making details easier to see

* Bloom : Makes strong lights bleed their light into their surroundings

* HDR : Mimics an HDR tonemapped look

* Levels : Sets a new black and white point. A fast and easy way to increase contrast but it causes clipping. The Curves effect does this in a more subtle way without causing clipping.

* Technicolor : Makes the image look like it was processed using a three-strip Technicolor process - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technicolor

* Cineon DPX : Makes the image look like it was converted from film to Cineon DPX. Can be used to create a "sunny" look.

* Monochrome : Removes colors from the image so it appears as if shot on black and white film.

* Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights (and typically does it better then the Tonemap effect)

* Tonemap : Adjust gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog. (may cause clipping)

* Vibrance : Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation.

* Curves : Contrast adjustments using S-curves - without causing clipping.

* Sepia : Sepia tones the image - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepia_tone#Sepia_toning

* Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vignetting )

* Dither : Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. This lessens banding artifacts - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dithering#Digital_photography_and_image_processing )

* Border : Makes the screenedge black as a workaround for the bright edge that forcing some AA modes sometimes causes.

* Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode.